Raging Pendulum (Skill Card)
Raging Pendulum (Skill Card)
  • ATK:
  • 0

  • DEF:
  • 0

  • View:
  • 991

At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field. This Skill can be used only once per Duel by revealing 1 "Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon" and 1 "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" from your Extra Deck if you have 2 "Performapal," "Magician," or "Odd-Eyes" cards in your Pendulum Zone. Add 1 of 3 "Performapal" monsters with different names from outside of your Deck to your hand, and add 1 "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" and 1 "Magician" Pendulum Monster from your hand or Deck to the Extra Deck. During this Duel, you can treat Xyz Monsters you control as Level 7 monsters when Xyz Summoning "Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon."
